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Components and Ports

Table of contents

  1. Software Components
  2. Types of Ports

Software Components

In the automotive industry it’s common practice to use some form of component-based development approach.

A software component encapsulates a related set of functions and/or data. The component commmunicates with the outside world exclusively using ports. The ports are a part of the component and represents its interface. In AUTOSAR, this is called the Port Interface.

Software Component

Types of Ports

In general, there are two types of ports:

  • Require Ports (input)
  • Provide Ports (output)

The two most common types of port interfaces are:

  • SenderReceiver Interface — Data-driven communication.
  • ClientServer Interface — Service-based communication.

Currently, APX only supports SenderReceiver type communication which fits well with AUTOSAR classic integration.