apx_node [-b --bind bind_path] [-p --bind-port port] [--no-bind]
[-c --connect connect_path] [-r --connect-port connect_port]
[--version] [--help]
Example Usage
apx_node -b /tmp/vehicle.socket -c /tmp/apx_server.socket vehicle.apx
apx_node -b /tmp/vehicle.socket -c vehicle.apx
apx_node -c localhost:5000 -b localhost:5100 vehicle.apx
Quickly create instances of APX nodes from a definition file and connect it to an APX server.
When the app is launched it both connects to the APX server while at the same time it creates a socket server (TCP or UNIX depending on arguments). The socket server is used as a connection point for the application apx_control in order to control the values of any provide ports found in the node. Current values of Require-ports are printed to stdout when they are updated from the APX server.
In case you have a node with only Require-ports or you are not interested in controlling provide-ports you can give the special option –no-bind which prevents a socket server to be created.
Mandatory Arguments
file path to an APX definition file (.apx)
--no-bind No socket server will be created.
-b --bind address_or_path
Either TCP address or UNIX socket to bind to for receiving
provide-port data updates.
-p --bind-port port
Port number for server socket (not applicable when path is
UNIX socket).
-c --connect address_or_path
Either TCP address or path to UNIX socket to connect to for receiving
require-port data updates.
-r --connect-port connect_port
Port number for APX client socket (not applicable when path is
UNIX socket).
If you prefer, you can skip both -p and -r options and instead use the address:port
syntax directly in the -b and -c options. It also understands the special word localhost to mean
-c localhost:5000
-b localhost:5001
Option Default Values
Linux Defaults
--bind-path /tmp/apx_node.socket
--connect-path /tmp/apx_server.socket
--bind-port 5100
--connect-port 5000
Windows Defaults
--bind-port 5100
--connect-port 5000